Viewability and reload ads have been around for a while, but bringing engagement into the mix is an entirely new concept for advertisers and publishers alike. By combining viewability and engagement, publishers are able to unlock the full revenue potential of their sites.
We achieve this with our viewability tools, powered by Signal technology. These tools capture two important metrics: viewability and engagement.
- Viewability is the percent of an ad that is in-view as the reader consumes the content on the page.
- Engagement is the length of time the user is active on the page. Engagement is detected using several different signals including scrolling, typing and cursor movement.
When we combine these two metrics we get Viewable Engagement Time (Signal), the total time that an ad is in-view while the user is actively engaged.
How does it work?
Here’s how viewability metrics work in a live environment:
When the page loads, viewability metrics show whether the reader is engaged and for how long. If the user is engaged (i.e. scrolling, typing, cursor movement), the Signal clock is ticking. If they stay engaged for 20 seconds, the ad will refresh.
If the user navigates to another tab or gets up from the computer, they are no longer engaged with the content and the Signal clock stops.
The Signal clock captures additive viewable ad spend without sacrificing page layout or user experience. In turn, these ads also command a higher CPM for publishers because advertisers are willing to pay more for ads that are guaranteed to be seen by a user.
We developed the new Signal advertising technology because both advertisers and publishers lose when ad impressions are ineffective. Both groups benefit when viewability and engagement are used to monetize highly engaged users.
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Additional resources
What is Viewable Engagement Time?
Learn more aboutSovrn Signal
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