Many marketing leaders have been forced to rethink the structure of their marketing teams in order to take advantage of the new capabilities and tools that are available to the modern marketer. Many have also done so as a result of changes in the wider business landscape. In response to these changes, Econsultancy has published a new unifying framework for modern marketing called the Modern Marketing Model (M3). M3 is designed to reconcile classical and digital marketing and provides a clear reference to help clarify an organization’s expectations of what the marketing function does.
Econsultancy’s ‘A Guide to the Modern Marketing Model (M3) and Organisational Structures’ report provides insight into the changing structure of the marketing organization.
The report has several objectives:
- To understand how companies are structuring their marketing organizations to compete in this accelerated new world. This includes examining the remit of marketing in terms of its influence on leading organizational change.
- To examine common organizational structures and how these structures might be understood by marketing leaders through the lens of the Modern Marketing Model (M3).
- To suggest a number of ‘enlightened’ organizational structures that marketing leaders can use as frameworks for leading change within their own organizations.
Read the whole article here: A Guide to the Modern Marketing Model and Organizational Structures
Source: Econsultancy
Article length: 467 words
Reading time: less than 4 minutes