Summer is in full swing and some of the biggest annual sales from top retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Best Buy and Nordstrom are just around the corner. The summer vacation season kicks into high gear during July and August, putting the focus on sectors like travel and outdoor gear. August is also prime time for back-to-school shopping and end-of-summer sales, so make sure your content reflects these important events.
Remember – it’s never too early to start thinking about your Q4 affiliate content, since the year-end holidays will be here before you know it. Keep an eye out for early Black Friday offers from merchants looking to beat the November rush.
Ready to get started? Read on for highlights of our curated list of top shopping dates.
Want the full scoop? Download the Q3 Shopping Calendar for details on high-performing merchants and featured categories.
Top holidays and shopping events of Q3
You may already have some content ideas for the coming months, but it’s important to look beyond the obvious if you want to keep your readers’ attention all year long. To help you keep up with the top earning opportunities — and those you might have overlooked — make sure you check out our complete overview of upcoming events, shopping occasions, high-performing merchants and top categories.
Keep in mind that not every opportunity will be a good fit for your audience. Regardless of seasonal trends, it’s critical to stay true to your brand and analyze your past performance when mapping out your affiliate strategy.
July brings the hottest weather of the year along with the biggest annual sales from several top retailers. Summer travel and outdoor activities are in full swing, which means plenty of opportunities – but keep in mind, your readers are busy enjoying the moment! So keep your content light and engaging.
Key Dates:
- July 4: Independence Day
- July 10-13: Walmart+ Week
- July 10-12: Best Buy Black Friday in July
- July 11-12: Amazon Prime Day
- July 11- August 6: Nordstrom Anniversary Sale
With summer wrapping up and school right around the corner, many consumers are hoping to get some last-minute shopping done. Be sure to highlight deals on home goods, school supplies, and other items that will ease the transition into the busy fall months.
Key Dates:
- Back to school: More than ever, back-to-school shoppers are searching for deals, so focus on everything school-related from clothing and crayons to supplies, laptops and tablets, and items for college dorm rooms.
- End of summer sales: The end of August signals the coming of cooler weather and a new season, so watch for retailers offering big savings on big-ticket summer items like grills and patio furniture.
September begins with a list of fresh starts: football, school, and fall fashion. For some, this marks a welcome change while others are dreading the loss of warm weather and longer days. Either way, the sales, particularly for Labor Day Weekend, are sure to get anyone excited with great savings on furniture, school supplies, clothing, and travel.
Key Dates:
- September 5: Labor Day
- TBA: Keep an eye out for news of Apple’s annual fall product release
Download your copy of our Q3 calendar
If you’re already working with Sovrn Commerce for your affiliate marketing, our support team is standing by with additional information on top deals and high-performing merchants for Q3.
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